Targetoo will release a new version of AB testing with improved capabilities. The following fields will be added to the view:

  • Start Date and End Date: informative dates for the period the test will be running. These dates are not taken into account when bidding, they just have informative behaviour.

  • Budget %: campaign budget share that is being used in the test (informative, can't be edited)

  • Treatment Budget %: campaign budget share that is being used in treatment lines (see label 2). Informative field, can't be edited.

  • Hypothesis (previously description): can be used to inform about the objective of the test.

  • Conclusion: can be used to inform about the result of the test once it has finished.

  • Label 1: can be used to inform about the configuration of the line. For instance if we are testing frequency capping configuration, we can inform that the line has a "1/24" freq capping (line 1) and "2/24" (in line 2)

  • Label 2: can be used to inform about which is the control line (the line that has the usual configuration) and which is the treatment line (the one with the new configuration for the feature being tested)

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