Targetoo Creative Studio can help you meet the challenge of designing creatives that perform well.

One of the most significant difficulties that app marketers encounter is the delivery of high-performing ad creatives. Data, technology, and creativity are carefully crafted combinations that lead to better results.

Campaigns can benefit greatly from producing top-notch creatives. Users who are truly engaged by the creative are more likely to convert, and better conversion results in better campaign performance. Delivering the appropriate asset to the right user at the appropriate time requires work, and Targetoo Creative Studio is well-equipped to advance your creative strategy.

Based on information and insights, our creative team works around the clock to identify the assets that will perform the best for your campaigns. The Targetoo platform gives you access to every creative tool you could possibly need to develop and manage a successful strategy, including the followings:

Custom Product Pages:

In order to personalize the user experience and boost conversions, custom product pages are alternate versions of the standard App Store product page that highlight particular features.

Targetoo’s platform supports this feature and allows the creation and implementation of custom product pages. Every element of your App Store counts, and tailoring user experience with page variations can highly increase relevance and thus, conversions.

Rich Creatives:

Captivating ad formats help to capture users' attention and produce better results. Creating playable ads that offer an interactive experience in conjunction with a free trial of the app is an excellent strategy for engaging users.

Targetoo allows you to:

  • Utilize templates to create engaging creatives

  • Make interactive and playable ads.

  • Put these two videos together and use them as end cards.

Creative Management:

Reduce workload and concentrate on optimization by having control over creatives. Targetoo Creative Studio gives you the ability to manage assets and budgets in a seamless manner so that you can run your best creative across all platforms.

Creative Design:

Designs that you have created from scratch, new designs, or variations. Targetoo's design studio is prepared and outfitted to add knowledge and expertise to make your creatives the best they can be.

Data-driven designed creatives are an important factor that directly influences whether or not a user downloads an app. Our staff can boost that impact and assist advertisers in locating the top creatives across all platforms. 

Data-led Optimization:

For advertising to be successful, creativity and data must converge. With the aid of Targetoo Creative Studio, you are able to make wise choices by getting information directly from your creatives.

You can scale your campaigns using the best-performing creatives and combinations by analyzing campaign data to determine which types of creatives are producing the best results. For your campaigns to be optimized, we prioritize data-driven creative strategies.

Creative A/B Testing:

The key to optimizing your campaigns is to always run your best creative version across all platforms and to have knowledge of how to iterate creatives. In order to have your best asset running across platforms, Targetoo's algorithms can transfer learnings between creatives from different campaigns, even those in different countries.

Creative Experience Optimization:

Include user interaction with the asset you are showcasing as well as how the ad interacts with the app flow in the ad experience. Campaign performance can be significantly impacted by ensuring users watch the advertisement for a longer period of time and enhancing their overall ad experience.

Ask the important questions:

  • How does the user get the advertisement?

  • The user will learn the ad can be skipped in what way? How many seconds later?

  • How do we fill the screen if the advertisement doesn't fit?

We pay close attention to every little thing to boost the effectiveness of your campaigns.

All ad formats:

Template Maker:

The Template Maker provides a live preview of your campaigns across various OS.

You can do:

  • Add files, videos, or images.

  • Color-matching games

  • Personalize text

  • Compare the versions of iOS and Android

  • Copy or save the tag.

Performance and creativity come together at Targetoo Creative Studio. Upgrade your creative approach by getting in touch.
