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Crafting Holiday Video Ad Campaigns to Increase Consumer Engagement

As Black Friday approaches, brand advertisers have begun to plan their holiday video advertising campaigns. One critical issue they should address is the strategic placement of these advertisements. Due to inflationary concerns, consumers are expected to be more cautious in their purchasing decisions. Advertisers should look beyond mere reach to maximise brand connections to capture the attention of hesitant consumers effectively.

One viable strategy is to target ad spots that maximise attention. Although consumers are more likely to be receptive to video ads while looking for gifts and deals, they can still skip or scroll past them. According to Statista, 65.9% of app users consistently skip ads if given the option, while only 19.7% said they would watch a relevant ad rather than skip it. Brand advertisers should consider embracing Cooperative Media to achieve more attentive engagement—spots that, on average, deliver 3.5 more attentive seconds than other formats.

What is Cooperative Media?

Remember when you were curled on your couch, watching your favourite sitcom, and music signalled the end of the show? The screen went blank, signalling that the broadcast would resume in 1-2 minutes. This model not only established customer expectations but also promoted collaboration between the network and the advertiser. The network received crucial ad income, and the advertiser was certain that their 30-second spot would be played in its entirety. While this did not guarantee that the advertisement was watched, it did create an opportunity for tales to be heard. 

Now, turn your attention to the mobile ad experience. Many social media sites consider an ad to be "in-view" if it is displayed for a few seconds. This means that 90% of the substance in a 30-second spot may go unseen. Nonetheless, it is regarded as a success by the social network.

Fortunately, there are platforms where 30-second ad spots get full play. Targetoo recognises in-app situations and works with publishers to maximise attentive seconds. As a recent AdWeek article stated, "The more attentive seconds spent with an ad, the better the brand recall, sales, and user growth."

Creating a Bond and Fostering Collaboration

When users engage with videos on social media, their instinctive response is to swiftly navigate through content with their fingers. When confronted with an ad, the natural inclination is to skip or scroll to the next content segment. In contrast, the gaming experience offers a different dynamic. In games, fingers are actively interacting, and ads typically appear during a natural pause in gameplay, providing a moment for mental reset. However, users' thumbs remain poised for action. Targetoo capitalizes on this opportune moment by introducing interactivity to video spots, fostering a deeper connection.

The integration of reward videos in mobile games presents an additional avenue to enhance brand connections. According to an AdWeek article, "On average, Lumen found that rewarded video ads command 22 seconds of focused attention per ad compared to 2-3 seconds for ads in common social formats."

Mobile games boast several advantages, including their extensive reach, with 78% of people engaging in mobile gaming—surpassing the estimated 72% of regular Facebook users. Contrary to brief interactions, consumers dedicate an impressive 27 minutes daily to gaming, outpacing engagement with popular social apps. Furthermore, ads within mobile games enjoy a less cluttered environment, offering your narrative 3x fewer competitors than on social media.

For those seeking to elevate their holiday campaigns, explore our guides on enhancing your Black Friday mobile strategy! Contact Targetoo today to discover more about the audiences Cooperative Media can help you reach and strategies to maximize your connections.